Tuesday, March 17, 2020

After the Mission

Beautiful Thoughts--Comments from our Colombian Saint friends 

Gracias por su servicio en la música y su amor para con nosotros. Que el Señor los bendiga. Laddy Ramirez

Gracias. También por el amor que dan y su trabajo en el Templo . Carolina Bravo

Larry y Jenny un gusto haberles conocido y haber servido juntos en el templo, gracias por su amor sincero para con nosotros, un abrazo enorme, mi esposa y yo les amamos y les llevaremos en nuestros corazones y nuestras mentes!!!!FIRMES Y DIGNOS!!!!! Diego Bravo

Gracias, es un verdadero placer conocerles. Les deseamos muchas bendiciones y un feliz viaje. Luz NeddyQueridos hermanos . Muchas Gracias por el Servicio en el Templo ha sido maravilloso conocerles. Las Bendiciones están ahí para ustedes . Gracias por el gran AMOR , A ESTA MARAVILLOSA OBRA Y SU GRAN EJEMPLO.UN ABRAZO. Neiffy

Realmente son un ejemplo de servicio amorosoMuchas bendiciones para uds y su familia.Que privilegio conocer personas que nos enseñan el verdadero evangelio.  Marta Patricia

Fue un placer haberles conocido y aprender de su dedicación y entrega. Ocupan un lugar en nuestros corazones. Les deseamos un buen viaje de regreso y que el Señor los bendiga. Alonso Castiblanco 

Gracias hnos por su lindo espíritu ,su sonrisa y su ayuda con la música ,vamos a extrañar el no verlos en la reunión sacramental, mucho éxito y felicidad Nexa

Hermanos buen viento buena mar fue un placer haberlos conocido los recordaremos siempre y los llevaremos en nuestro corazón. Luis Romero

Familia Weatherford ustedes son un ejemplo de lo que significa ser discípulos de Jesucristo gracias por su amor servicio por sus enseñanzas por su devoción y consagración a la hora del señor mi esposa y yo les amamos y deseamos el padre celestial le siga bendiciendo en cualquier otra labor que emprendan buen viaje. Familia Advincula 

Muchas gracias por su ejemplo de felicidad de vivir el evangelio (Su sonrisa) Omar Alvarez

Muy apreciados hermanos Weatherford....Que inesperada partida!Mis respetos y admiración por su poderoso ejemplo!!!Que hermoso espíritu nos han aportado y compartido.Mi familia y yo les deseamos lo mejor de lo mejor en esta vida y por la eternidad!Que cortó tiempo los hemos disfrutado, pero sabemos que donde vayan y estén, edificaran Sión!En nosotros tienen amigos Santos que estamos a su entera disposición en todo momento y en cualquier lugar!Reciban cálido abrazo (virtual por ahora) muy lleno de respeto, amor y admiración por tan grandes personajes!Esperamos seguir contando con su hermosa amistad!sonamayer19@yahoo.comPor siempre....Nelson Amaya y familia.

Oh no! Familia Weatherford! Cuando viajan? No sabía que ya se iban de Colombia. No alcanzamos a despedirnos. Y nuestro almuerzo? Rogamos podarles verles de nuevo! Gracias por su ejemplo de amor, bondad y servicio. Los extrañaremos! Mantilla familia 

Gracias por tu valiosa amistad, y tu espritu tan especial. Hna Naranjo

Hermanos muchas gracias doy a DIOS por permitir la precencia de ustedes en este tiempo en este mi pais les amo y los tendre en mi corazon. Hna Gonzalez (fromWard)

and several others on Facebook, WhatsApp (they love it), text messages, emails, etc.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Early March in Bogota

We spent the first week of March in Peru (Lima, Cusco, and Machu Picchu) with Rob and Josh.

When we got back from the 2 week closure, we served only 1 more week and then we were sad to see our mission come to an abrupt end due to Coronavirus!

Event (US Embassy in Bogota sent this email to us): 

On March 9, the Colombian Ministry of Health announced two new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Colombia.
The Colombian government has implemented enhanced screening and quarantine measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19, including for travelers coming from the United States.  All travelers, regardless of origin, must complete a form with contact and arrival information. Travelers should be prepared for travel restrictions to be put into effect with little or no advance notice.  Visit the website of the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for additional information on these new measures and to register your contact and travel information.

March 13 Letter from First Presidency

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Rapidly changing health conditions around the world have been a source of growing concern. Many governments have placed restrictions that have required the temporary closure of a number of temples. As we have prayerfully sought to balance these limitations with the need to carry on temple work, we have decided to make the following temporary adjustments, which are effective March 16, 2020 for all temples around the world.
  • Where government or other restrictions on public and/or religious gatherings would, in effect, preclude temple activity, proxy and living ordinances will temporarily be suspended.
  • Where government or other restrictions do not preclude all temple activity, the following temple ordinances for living persons will be accommodated as capacity permits by appointment only: husband-and-wife and child-to-parents sealing ordinances and living initiatory and endowment ordinances. On a temporary basis, proxy temple ordinances will not be performed.
  • All patron housing will be closed.
Church members will be provided with instructions when they schedule their appointments for living ordinances. Individuals with currently scheduled appointments will be contacted by temple staff.
Steps will be taken in all temples to minimize the risk of spreading disease, including reducing temple staff, limiting guests at living ordinances, and following guidelines for interacting with patrons.
Additional information will be provided to temple presidencies, and further adjustments will be made as necessary.
We look forward with great anticipation to the time when temples can again operate at full capacity and extend the blessings of temple work to members and their ancestors.
The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Saying Goodbye was so hard!  The last day we served was very special.

Jenny's favorite painting in the Temple basement

oh, how we'll miss this special, holy place!

Us with the Advinculas

Pte y Hna. Gonzalez came by to release us and wish us well

One last stroll thru the Temple grounds

Classic "high quality" basketball court (across the street from the Temple)

Jenny pointing at our Temple apartment for 6 months (#304)

Pte y Hna. Tobon and the 3 other full-time couples came and sang "Santos Venid" (Come, come ye saints) to bid us farewell--we all cried a LOT!

Us with Chacons--dropping off our remaining food for them

Van that took us 3 and our 5 huge suitcases to the airport

Me, Josh with 2 "gaseosa" classics (Colombiana and Manzana)  at the airport lounge

My 2 special 'placas'

Christian y Vickie Pico came by late Sunday night to bid us farewell

The day we left, Pres. Duque closed the borders of Colombia with all other countries.  Within the week, all commercial flights had stopped!

We arrived in Laramie on Monday, March 16, 2020 at midnight 30.  We had a nightmare trying to get us and our luggage home (no Uber, taxi).

Health Alert: U.S. Embassy Bogota (March 16, 2020)

Location:  Colombia
Event:  On March 15, the Colombian Ministry of Health announced several new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Colombia.  The President of Colombia ordered all public and private schools to halt classes until April 20, 2020.
Beginning March 16 at 12:01 a.m., non-Colombian citizens and non-Colombian residents will be prohibited from arriving in Colombia, and all travelers arriving in Colombia must go into self-quarantine for 14 days. All travelers, regardless of origin, must complete a form with contact and arrival information.  Travelers should be prepared for travel restrictions to be put into effect with little or no advance notice.  Visit the website of the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for additional information on these new measures and to register your contact and travel information.

March 17: The government of Colombia has implemented measures to limit the spread of COVID-19.  The President of Colombia ordered all public and private schools to halt classes until April 20, 2020.  The Mayor of Bogota announced a drill from 5 a.m., Friday, March 20, through Monday, March 23, when all people are ordered to stay off the streets or else face possible fines.  Additionally, people over the age of 70 are expected to self-quarantine.  For details, see this website.
U.S. Embassy Bogota will be closed to the public on March 20 and March 23 and available by phone for U.S. citizen emergency services only.
Airlines have begun curtailing or ceasing operations in Colombia.  If your travel has been  disrupted, please contact your airline.  All national land, maritime, and riverine borders are now closed to citizens and non-citizens.  Citizens and residents may still enter the country via airports as long as airlines continue to operate.  The Government of Colombia also requires that all travelers arriving in Colombia must go into self-quarantine for 14 days and must complete a form with contact and arrival information.  

>>The Bogota, Colombia, Temple closed completely on Thursday, March 19, 2020. 

Event:  Important details on nationwide quarantine (from US Embassy)--now all the Temple Pscy and the 2 remaining couples are on full-quarantine until April 13 (or later).

Please note that the Government of Colombia has issued a decree governing the nationwide quarantine from 00:00 on March 25 until 00:00 on April 13. In order to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the decree applies to everyone in Colombia, including foreign visitors.

Everyone is expected to follow the instructions of the decree. Under the quarantine, you may leave your home or hotel only under specific circumstances, including those outlined below.  The U.S. embassy remains available for emergency services to U.S. citizens.

During the quarantine, one individual per household may leave his or her home or hotel to:
• Go to the grocery store to buy food
• Go to the pharmacy to pick up medicine
• Walk a pet for 20 minutes in the vicinity of one’s residence
• Access emergency services, including veterinarians
• Attend a necessary medical appointment
• Visit an ATM or bank to access financial services or get a notary
• Take a licensed taxi or public bus when necessary to leave the house for one of these approved reasons.

Domestic air travel within Colombia will be suspended during the quarantine period.  Inter-city bus service may also be suspended.